Click to read how first responders and critical public services can plan for FirstNet, a new nationwide communications platform dedicated to public safety.
Data shows that over the last 50 years, the United States has experienced more increases in extreme weather. Add to that the ever-present potential for man-made disasters like oil spills, active shooters or terrorist attacks, and you can see how the already high stakes have been filled up for emergency responders. It’s not just our imagination. With an estimated 240 million calls made to 9-1-1 in the U.S. every year reporting accidents, crimes, fires and life-threatening medical situations, effective emergency response is a national priority.
MCT has been serving the needs of a wide range of public safety agencies and companies since 2008 and is leading national provider of rugged, in-vehicle technology local and state police and fire departments, emergency medical services and other public entities, as well private EMS companies throughout the U.S., and offers National IPA, NASPO, and GSA government contracts. For more information, visit mobileconceptstech.com.